Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

So sweet, yet so short

Before I delve into this stuff I just want to say I hope you all had a good Christmas :-).

Well, Christmas paper shredding has come and gone once again. All that excitement and anticipation over with the course of a couple hours. Ah, but a pretty sweet Christmas it was. So, I bet the question on the tip of your tounges is "What'dya get?". Here's the run down: glass chess set (frosted even :-D), laptop backpack, CF card reader/writer, a "Pedro's Got your Back" and a nice flannel shirt, some money and a gift card, a Dave Berry book, and the piece de resitance: my own cell phone :-D. Quite a cool one at that. Basic, but it suits my needs. Actually, truth be told, it does some stuff that my parents fancier phone doesn't do, namely the ability to use SMS web services (such as google). Quite sweet, quite sweet.

The last few days I've been delving into GBA dev again and something seems to have finally clicked. I understand how loading sprites works and all that malarkey and so I've begun my GBA Tetris Attack clone. And actually it's coming along quite nicely. Debugging is a pain in the but since I don't have a debug console or files to write ciritcal values to, but I'm chugging along all the same.

Tomorrow, if I haven't mentioned already, I go to discuss my future at Wal-Mart (Christmas Eve marked my last day in layaway). I'm not sure where I'll end up exactly, but at this point in time cart pusher seems most likely. Now I know I was complaining earlier, but I've done it a couple of times since and I'll tell you that being able to use the QuickCart makes it a heckuva lot easier. My other option is cashier, but dislike that even more (though if it was back in electronics I might reconsider). I personally wouldn't mind working in claims or as an overnight stocker (both of which I have done). Whenever there was nothing to do in layaway after closing I'd usually get sent to toys to help them stock and I must say it was a lot of fun (I did chemicals one night and I liked that too). So we'll just see tomorrow (and I'll post something about it).

Ah, but now it is getting late and I've got presents to play with (maybe I'll go blow Jeff away in a game of chess). Stay tuned for an interesting video clip from yesterday morning. It's absolutely hilarious. Cheers!