Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Haul, Part 1 - It Figures

After a bunch of bullshit at immigration/customs and a grueling walk home from the train station, I am now nestled back into the comfort of my own home... as much comfort as can be derived when even "home" is still slightly foreign. But, crashing on my couch onto a pile of pillows in a room that's not tiny is a good feeling.

But, that's not why we're here.

No, today begins a series of posts on all the shit I bought while overseas. Oddly enough, I actually came in fairly under budget on the trip while getting everything I'd wanted plus more; it was a success to be sure.

Today's show-and-tell is of the figures that were purchased. Figures were near the top of my list of things that I had planned on spending money on. Luckily, I found most of them at pretty decent prices (three of the larger ones I got for $3/per). I'm quite pleased with the haul, though there were a couple of characters that I just couldn't find any figures of. Either way, my quest for a 3D girlfriend has now become more difficult.

The tiny figures I'm going to store on my desk at work. Everybody else has their desks decorated in some way, so it's high time I did mine.