Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore Part 12 - One Year Later

One last journal to go. This one seems to all be written in cursive (much to my dismay). But, we shall begin.

Entry 1 - June 8, 2002

Well today was my birthday. Sixteen at last. While today was great, it was kind of odd too. It started off with me getting up at three AM. I checked my mail and watched cartoons. Jeff joined about four-thirty. While he was watching cartoons, I worked on my new VB site, Visual Basic Gaming Universe. My intent is to join the VB gaming webring, and maybe win an award. I fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until about ten or so. After I got dressed and ate, I started on my cake. Unfortunatly, I messed that one up. So mom rushed out and got a couple more boxes of mix and that one went okay. While that was baking, we had lunch. Then mom went out to take some newspapers to ARC, while Jeff, Chris and I picked up. When mom got back, she and I rushed right back out to get a camera. When we got back, I frosted my cake and Grandma came a few minutes after that. We had the normal ritual of opening presents. No duh! :) From Mom, Dad, and the rest I got a really cool pocket knife, Dr. Mario, this journal, and the Ep II soundtrack, and from Grandma I got thirty bucks. After Grandma left, Mom let me work on VBGU some more. Then she and Dad did shopping. When they got back I played some Dr. Mario. Joey jumped on me and I hurt him so I got in trouble. After that I went to our room and was sleeping until about now. So it was a pretty good day overall.

Not much to say here, though my acceptance of commas in the year between journal entries is certainly welcomed. I still seem unable to write a non-disjointed narrative, though. It's disconcerting to say the least.

Also, webrings...