Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Weekly Accountability Report - Back to the Grind

It's been a little while since I last did this, but since life is only going to even out from here, it's time to return to the Goals of the Year(R).

Helth - Haven't been doing super awesome here. The allure of free M&Ms is great indeed, and I've now discovered the stash of breakfast burritos that work has in their infinite refrigerators. On top of that, laziness has lead to walks to Taco Bell and 7-Eleven (which doesn't make much sense). But, the "no sugar, fruit" rule is now enacted and a ban on fast food as well. Exercise wise, I've just purchased myself a new and awesome bike that doesn't destroy my body as I try to ride, so there will be no more driving to work (weather permitting). These are now the two major areas of concern.

Finances - I'm still in a pattern of getting things that I need to fill out my apartment, though the major purchases are tapering off (my big ass trip to Japan notwithstanding). Currently, the only items remaining on the list are new shoes (mine are quite literally falling apart), a table, and a bed. The bed will probably happen first as the couch is getting less and less comfortable by the evening.

Japanese - If the Japan trip told me anything, it's that my skills in the language are nowhere near enough to actually get by day-to-day. I need to get back on this pronto. Perhaps not this year, but taking the ACT and enrolling for actual classes would probably be wise.

Japan Trip - FUCKIN' DONE, SON. Scratch that off the list!