Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Whiteboard

Above my second monitor and slightly to the right is my brain's physical scratch disk, aka my whiteboard. It's there for ideas I don't want to forget or for figuring stuff out.

While the whiteboard itself is something I purchased since moving, some of the items have been transferred from whiteboards past, carrying forward all the way since college. In fact, you can see some of these items from my apartment walkthrough video from last year. Here's a quick rundown of what's going on:

Omnisexual - This was an off the cuff comment my brother made about his sexuality. It was funny and I had a comic idea for it, but I've since forgot how that goes...

"A Rare Vintage" - The title of a blog post as suggested by devusb. It was to contain more YPN forum posts by yours truly from a batch of newer posts I'd unearthed.

Custard's Revenge - A flash game idea proposed devusb. I would explain the details, but my mother reads this blog. I will say this: it involves General Custer and a pie.

Smoking the Town - The Wisp, Teleporting bus - these are both comic ideas and are also the oldest items on the board. The ideas date back to 2008 as I thought of them while playing Animal Crossing.

Falcon Fruit Punch, PHI Love Hina, Zelda/Monsters Inc, Weekend of Ponies - All comic ideas that I will get around to one of these days. The PHI one is actually based upon an experience I had in one of my psychology classes, but is one of the more recent adds to the board.

Cortosis shoulder pads - Another devusb inspired comic idea. This one is actually pretty damned hilarious if not entirely nerdy.

Iku (kanji) - one of my lame attempts to teach myself Japanese, this is the word for "go".

Mahou Shounen Mahiro Magica - An animation idea parodying Madoka Magica, except about a flamboyantly gay man who is turned into a magical girl.

Sat - Space Bros - What's left of my spring season anime simulcast schedule. Space Brothers, the only thing still running from that season, is a great little show about some dude trying to become an astronaut. It's not really very Japanesey at all and is quite well-researched in its facts.

Doodles - This was me trying to visualize the camera and casting of rays in a ray caster.

And so, that's what is going on with my whiteboard. Someday, I'll have actually completed all these items and then maybe I can erase the damn thing.

Ah, who am I kidding.

I'll probably die first.