Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Nothing's Quite as Refreshing as a Swift Kick to the Balls

That's a hell of a title right there. I haven't really put it out anywhere, but I've had a deviantArt account for some time now. Like, almost a year. I put up some of my Matt (Digital Double) redesigns and promptly forgot about it. Well, since I've been drawing all this stuff lately I've been posting again and garnering some attention. Attention like this:

"Dude, you don't have enough pageviews for the time you've been to DA and the quality of your stuff. I've only been here for a few weeks and I have more than triple your pageviews, it's annoying. Do more art! I less than three your style. = P"

Now it's like a kick to the balls and at the same time it's nice. He obviously thinks highly of my artwork, but the whole "d00d! I'm teh n00b and teh p0puler and you teh arnt" hurts slightly. He (I assume it's a guy) does have a point that I need to more art. One thing that baffles me, though, is that last sentence. The world may never know...