Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Tokyo in Tulsa 2012 - Final Day

Another convention has come and gone, again with me feeling that I'm just too old and too male for these kind of outings (and possibly the content around which it focuses). But that's a musing for a future post.

Today we intended to keep things short by just attending the autograph tables. My brother (whom you shall see shortly) was in the longest line of the bunch, along with what were surely a bunch of yaoi fangirls. If you don't know what yaoi is, I'm not going to be the one to teach you. While he was in the line, I decided to be an ass and get autographs from all of the other voice actors in the room, all the while casting him assholish faces.

I'll do a write up about the whole experience and the psychological state it's left me in later in the week, but for now, here's some pictures.

My signed swag

Signatures from Spike Spencer, Caitlin Glass, Jeremy Inman, Chris Cason, and Stephanie Young (not in that order)

Chris, dressed as Okabe Rintarou, aka Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma

Chris and Caitlin Glass (voice of Miria from Baccano