Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Unjacked - Day 0

So, I have successfully completed my little one week sans-Internet challenge. I would leave my thoughts here, but as stated, I kept small little journalings through out. In the spirit of nigh-free blog fodder, I shall post the scans (plus a transcription after the break because my handwriting is terrible).

Day 0: 10-1-12

It has been about forty minutes since I shut down my computer. Fairly typical for a work evening, but what is not typical are all the thoughts of stuff I'll be missing, How I Met Your Mother, for instance. Also, writing in a straight line is hard. I suppose my plan of action at this point is to read something and then go to bed. I will sorely miss my asmr videos to be sure... Only seven days left...