Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

We is in the paper... kind of

While we're not mentioned directly (at the parents request) the local paper, Examiner Enterprise (aka Teh Typo Tymes), ran an article on the group that's been helping us get the house whipped into shape. Now this is a crummy recreation of what's in the paper, but until I can get all the pictures scanned and stuff this'll have to do.

But enough of the nicey, nice stuff. Tomorrow they're coming again to finish the painting but this time I'm here. Bwa ha ha ha! I AM MATTBERT, EVIL DIRECTOR OF QUALITY CONTROL! BWA HA HA!! It's not quite done yet, but I've even rigged up a Dilbert style self-portrait of myself (which I will have online once the UDM is finished).

Speaking of which, the UDM is coming along quite nicely. I got a ton of work done today and everything is looky pretty spanky! You can take a looksee if you want.

Well, I need to get some sleep so I have plenty of energy for whip cracking... I mean.. painting tomorrow ;-). G'night!