Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Welcome to Relaunch 5.0!

Not sure if that version number is correct or not, but it seems about right.

So, yes, here is the new design. It's not the same one I was working on back in October. No, it's better. I was actually going to use this for my final project in Fabian's class (NOS), but he borked his server and essentially axed the entire set up a blog requirement. I do owe him a lot for this design as it was his, shall we say, technique that inspired me. Design aside, this is the easiest transition to new design/engine I've ever had (thanks in no small part to the fact that I reused the current database structure).

That's all I'm going to blog right now. I'm going to be returning to good old Bartlesville for Christmas in a few days. Perhaps I'll write something then. In case I don't say it in time, I hope everybody has a Kick Ass Christmas!

P.S. Yeah, I added tagging. Maybe I'll add a tag cloud later.