Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Weekly Accountability Report - Week 2 (Meh)

Here we are at yet another completed week within this new year and with it a report of how I managed to uphold the standards of which I set myself to.

Health - On the upside, I managed to keep my eating of fast food to a minimum; one trip to Taco Bell late one evening. However, the pizza that work brought in on Friday probably negates that. I've also found out that no amount of granola bars will stave off hunger for very long. In the world of exercise, I did manage at least 45 minutes of walking every work day, no small feat considering the cold turn the weather has made. I need to add something more into the mix, though, be it treadmill, push ups, or something.

Finances - There were actually a couple days last week where I didn't spend any money at all. Score! The purchasing of some poster frames and a limited pressing of the Episode I soundtrack on LP were the only real unnecessary buys last week. I successfully did stave off the desire to purchase a couple of manga this weekend, so score. I'm going to try and Scrooge it the rest of the month.

Japanese - I did an hours worth of work two days last week. There were plenty of times I thought about picking them up later on only to take a nap instead. I have no excuse.

Drawing - Yeah...