Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Welcome Googlers!

The following are google searches that have turned up my site. Asshole mode... ENGAGED!

dxprog You may bow to me whenever.

anicro pattern maker Anicro sucks ass. You should use AC Pattern Designer

honda They make cars. Chevy's are better.

qualities of a cashier should possesed Don't be a douche bag. Make sure you redline. Don't let customers walk all over you. Only you have the power to take their money. If you didn't they'd be stealing. Also, try going to school and learning proper grammer. It works wonders.

hawk Is not nearly as cool as an eagle.

phoenic driver sound What the hell? Is somebody driving sound? Mad?

bad news on full sail recording arts program Bad news. You weren't accepted. You should have bought it when it was up on ebay.

pedro s got your back Yes. Yes he does.

mikes hard lemonade myspace layouts MySpace sucks hard enough without you going and screwing it up with some sort of booze oriented layout.

fullsail college It is the college equivelent of Chuck Norris. It kicks you and all your family's asses.

full sail horrible You misspelled awesome. It's "A W E S O M E", not "H O R R I B L E". No wonder they turned you down.

If this doesn't sufficiently answer what ever it was you were googling obviously you don't know what you're looking for in the first place.