Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Well, today is the end of the beginning...

Eh? Whatever :-P

Today, at roughly 4pm CDT, I return to my old job of cashiering. Am I excited? Am I looking forward to it? I'll just tell you one thing: I've saved out my hawaiian SpongeBob shirt just for the occasian (i.e. hell, yes). I just hope I remember how to work the stupid register :-P

In other news, I got the graphics tablet I ordered up on Wednesday and I must say, it is a thing of beauty (and hance a joy forever). Today's comic was colored and highlighted using it and I have to say it's probably one of the best things I've done so far. About the comic itself it seems that the style is finally coming together (i.e. I'm satisfied with it at the moment). I've already got Monday's comic finished and have ideas for a couple weeks to come. I'm so sucked into this at the moment I barely had time to finish coding the comic viewer. From now on all my updates will be done over there so if you want to keep up on the comics add that to your favorites (I'll add in an RSS feed sometime within a week).

Also, for those who may not have gotten the hint, I am now legally licensed to drive in the state of Oklahoma. The test was brief, but nerve racking and I was only coached on a couple of minor points. So to date I've driven twice on my own: once to take my homies to the library, and last night to take my homies to go bowling (my "homies" being Jeff and Chris). And despite the fact that money keeps slipping through my fingers I've got enough of it stored up to make a nice down payment on a car, so that'll be coming down the road fairly soon (if you'll pardon the pun).

Well, I've been up for way too long now and I need to get some rest if I'm going to be in decent shape for work this afternoon.