Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.


As I write this it is seven hours until Nintendo's E3 press conference and I tell you I'm currently wide awake riding a wave of excitement (which is bad because I have to work today :-P). If you've been paying attention to gaming news in the last few hours you'll know that Sony tried to pull a fast one and copy Nintendo's motion sensing stuff (a move I called a while back, sadly it wasn't on the podcast :-P). Also, you'll know that the cheapest you can get a PS3 for is $500 bucks, and that version doesn't even come with built-in wifi. I will say this only once: Sony is going to fester in their own turds this next generation.

But on to more current news. Next Monday we'll finally see the release of the first Mario Bros. game since Yoshi's Island (1995, I believe). From everything I've seen this game is going to be absolutely awesome and from the reviews it seems that it lives up to standards Nintendo set back in the 80s and 90s. I have every intention of picking up my copy Monday.

Well, that's about all for now. Oh, yeah, cashiering rocks ;-). I must try to get some sleep if I expect to be awake for the press conference. Night!