Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Wii Launch!

Tomorrow is the day... or rather the day before the day. Tomorrow at approximately 12PM CST I will hike my sad, sorry carcus up to Wal-Mart, that place we all know and love, to get in line for the Nintendo Wii. This would be a long, twelve hour wait but lucky for me I go to work at 7 in the evening at which point my spot in line will be lovingly takn by my brothers (one of which wishes he could wait the entire twelve hours :-P). I'll be sure to snap some pix on my camera phone and give you a complete Wii review on Sunday or Monday. Oh, it will rock so hard!

btw, sorry about the crappy picture in lieu of a comic today. That's just the way life sucks, ya know?