Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Would <i>you</i> vote for him?

youtube video My thoughts: This guy is way too nerdy. That doesn't look too good on his part considering that I am a self-professed geek. But he didn't stop there, he also addressed the school board dressed in Jedi robes. But, just because a guy is nerdy doesn't necessarily reflect upon his ability to perform the duties and obligations that come part and parcel with the position he is trying to fill. Oh, but wait... he's got a strike against him in that department as well:

"I'm extremely happy with how good I did :-)"

This was posted by Christopher Knight as a postmortem to the embedded video above. Anybody who wants to work in any kind of school environment should at least be able to use proper grammar (for those who didn't get it that should be "how well [he] did"). And that smiley face just isn't doing it for me.

  • dxprog (The Grammar Nazi)