Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

2014 Micro Retrospectives - Programming

Getting back to that thing I was doing, today I'll cover last year's coding efforts. And what efforts those were. Actually, I think 2014 might be my most active year ever. Just going by GitHub, I totaled over 670 commits. Of course, that doesn't include anything I did at work (and there was certainly a lot of that). So what exactly happened last year?

RedditBooru v2

This is pretty well documented. January was spent rewriting basically everything as I attempted to port RedditBooru to nodejs. Then, when that didn't pan out how I wanted, went back to the original PHP stack with major modifications to the existing codebase. The new feature set in v2 wasn't the huge success I expected it to be (though, my bandwidth nearly doubled overnight). Indeed, views have been steadily dropping, though I think this is partially due to better RES integration that came along. Still, 875k page views by 214k unique users is pretty good and more than I would have anticipated anything I'd ever create would do. But, that doesn't even begin to compare to...

Anime Bracket

Some interesting stuff happened here (that is actually pending a full write up). In August, a user on the anime subreddit contacted me about using the awwnime bracket site for a bracket he wanted to do. I said yes, pulled some code strings, and let him on his merry way. Long story short, that bracket garnered over 1 million page views and 2.5 million votes by 24k registered users. Here's a fun little image showing the difference between that bracket and the one I usually run in the fall:

That kickstarted an effort by me to make the bracket accessible to anybody (because it has also proved to be financially sustainable). Indeed, as I write this, I'm taking a break from working on the new site. But, more details on that later.

Everything Else

As usual, those two projects continue to be my main concern while not at work. However, that's not all I've done. There was the aforementioned contributions to RES updating support for RedditBooru albums. There was also the work I did on the awwnime bracket app. I also did some work around my Hue lights and a couple of other trifling things that didn't gain traction. Of course, that's not including the stuff that I don't commit (and I do a lot of small scripts just to help out with day-to-day life).

Alright, so there's another post.