Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

I am thief, watch me steal

Taking a page from the tiny little blog posts my mom is doing right now, I'm going to steal that idea.

February 5th, 2015

  1. Went to work today
  2. Larger breakfast because everything looked good.
  3. Made coffee. Then drank it
  4. Refactored touch code to be more modular. Such tedium, decent results.
  5. What the fuck, Nick? I get that it's nutella day, but I'm trying to lose weight.
  6. Doubled my morning water intake because I was thirsty
  7. Salad with tuna for lunch. Such sadness
  8. Leave work early to await my piano delivery
  9. Oh, it's already here. And the stand is here too
  10. "Hey, guy. My name is Mr. Headache. Let me throb for a while".
  11. Fuck you, Mr. Headache.
  12. Still waiting for the piano pedals, but it's good to be playing things again.

That almost felt therapeutic.