Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

A Revolution is on our Doorstep

Today, with any luck, we'll get a whole mess of new info from Nintendo on the Revolution. Of course, I'll be at work :-P. But, the whole reason I post this (aside from the fact that I'm a Nintendo fan boy) is because of a little cartoon my bro found. Actually, that last part is very true. On a side note, the soundtrack is awesome!

This is sad, I tell you. I've got to go to work at 8am this morning and here it is almost 1:30am and I'm awake talking about how the Revolution will r0x0r. You can tell that I have virtually no life at all. I spent most of yesterday afternoon writing a little RSS feed generator to keep track of my ACC pattern stats. Albiet it was kind of fun, but a total waste of time.

Yesterday, I also tried out America's Army, a free game developed by, surprise, the Army. The basic training missions were okay (especially the shoot house), but after that things just died off (like learning how to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation :-P). It was informative, but things like that are best left to the classroom. The complete lack of any single player missions was what turned me off in the end. I suppose I shouldn't expect anything more coming from the Army, but games aren't supposed to be real life replicas of boot camp :-P. At least now I can tell these army recruiters who come to Wal-Mart "I played the game and I didn't like it."

Well, I really must try to get some sleep now. Just remember, nitro-glycerin is incredibly dangerous and unsafe to drink :-)