Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The momentum of motivation is picking up...

I really need to quit with the "..." in the title :-P.

I am old. I know I don't look it, but I can feel it in my heart of hearts. Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can't be right. I need a change, or something. In almost two months I'm going to be twenty and what do I have to show for it? A job, sure (more juicy on this in a sec), but as of yet no driver's license, no high school diploma and not much of a plan for the rest of my life. Well, having been kind of depressed the last few days I've decided to do something about it. Tomorrow I'm going to schedule a driving test for next week and a testing date for the GED (probably sometime in late April, early May). I am bound and determined to accomplish at least these two things before my teenage years are forever behind me.

Now, the juicy details. As you all know I am working in groceries labelling overstock and putting it on shelves in a position I'd since been calling "Overstock Manager". Well, I recieved my official designation Saturday: Grocery ICS (Inventory Control Specialist). While being a "specialist" is cool and all the real interesting part happened yesterday. I recieved an e-mail from one of my old layaway/cashier pals Blake congratulating me on my promotion to department manager. I laughed it off and told him he had the wrong guy, but this morning when I was doing training modules it had me listed under two job codes: ICS Team and Department Manager (dept. 92, dry grocery). It's so nice when they tell me these things :-P. In not even five months I've gone from a lowly layaway runner to a department managing specialist. I figure if things continue at this rate I'll be CEO of the company by the time my first year anniversary rolls around ;-).

Well, there's no more interesting news to report and thus I will sign off and go eat some food. Peace out.