Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Windows Vista Blows...

...and sucks, at the same time!

Yesterday I thought it would be "fun" to test drive the beta of Microsoft's latest and "greatest" OS, Windows Vista. Hah! It's slow, it's incomplete and it gives Windows a bad name (wait....). And even worse, when I went to install XP again the Vista file permissions and junk remained so nothing worked. So I had to back my crud up, reformat my hard drive and start from scratch. As of this moment I'm running without SP2 which is probably suicide :-P.

In work related news, I moved up again. A couple days ago I helped to resolve a rather sticky customer situation and the manager's were so impressed that I've been offered to be promoted to support manager. This would give me the option of moving back to days which would thrill me to no end. However, having nothing but gripey customers and employees to look forward to would be like belly flopping into the bowls of hell. So I'm still thinking about it. I did get some good news in my current job. Michael Jordan (no relation to the basketball player) is getting his hours changed so I won't be alone in the back which will be nice. It'll actually be possible to get everything done.

Well, I need to go upstairs and get SP2 installing (stupid butthead needs to be plugged in :-P). Until next time, happy April Fools :-)