Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

You hear that? It's the winds of change...

In what could be marked as a pardigm shift for me I have purchased my first "real" song off of iTunes, meaning it is a modern rock song. Now the song, which I will name, I've heard plenty of times at Wal-Mart (as much as one can hear it over beep beep beep and all the chatter), but I suppose I have devusb to thank for it in the end. Using some iTunes VPN thingy I was digging through his music this morn and I was able to listen to the entire song and found, horror of horrors, I actually liked it. This leads me to wonder if I shouldn't broaden my musical horizons just a hair.... But anyhoo, you're probably wondering what song could cause such a cataclysmic shift in such a humble being as myself. It's "Dirty Little Secret" by the All-American Rejects.

In job news I am going to be blunt and to the point: the deptartment managing specialist job SUCKS! That said I am going to beg to have my cashier job back by May. I can't stand this job anymore. The hours (and lack thereof) stink, the lack of human interaction is driving me insane and a couple of other reasons I will leave unsaid (to save my job and reputation). Had I realized that this is how things were going to be I would have stopped complaining about my cashier job and been happy. We'll see how things go down, though.

Well, that's enough for now. In about fifteen minutes I have to be at the eye doctor's for an appointment. Stay tuned for my next post where I'll do a little bit of ranting again (yay! ;-)).

PS - Gold stars to anybody who can name the quotes I've been stuffing into my posts lately.