Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The internet will never be the same again

I am proud to announce something that will change the face of the internet as we know it.... or not so much. Anyhoo, I bring you "T3h L33ts", the official dxprog/linkman2004 podcast! Whoooo! It hasn't been listed on iTunes yet, but it will. Iiitt wiilllll. Here's the topics we discussed in Episode I (excluding off-topic stuff):

Apple's Boot Camp Pilotwings Revolution 2005 Nintendo Profits Bob Ross Painting on Revolution The Revolution's Final Secret The Reggie-man

Go ahead and take a listen, spread the word and such. Pretty soon I'll have an official site up (instead of just a directory listing). We'll try to update every week so pay attention to the feed. Enjoy :-)

UPDATE: We're on iTunes! Whooo!