Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Accountability Report - Tardiness is the in Thing

So, I'm late again. That's cool, I had my reasons.

Health - A little bit of good, a little bit of bad. The weather has been on and off favorable for walking and, when it was, I've made the best of it. Today and Saturday both I did 7+ miles worth of walking and I've finally brought my weight below the impentitrible 219 barrier (216 at the lowest). That's a trend I certainly want to continue. I must confess, though, that I did have McDonald's once a week-ish ago. I should also state that I plan on having Taco Bell this weekend when my brother comes for a brief visit from college. Gotta try that new Dorito taco, after all. But, other than that, I have no plans to get on the recurring fast food wagon.

Finances - More money than should have been was spent, though none on Japanese things (amazing considering that Nisemono has been calling my name). I purchased a new 2TB hard drive for my computer as I was certain my existing one was dying (considering the speed and stability increase I've had since the swap, am still certain of). I'll call that necessary. Add to that the fee for my passport, a higher than usual restaurant visitation rate, this bitchin' T-shirt, and certain other expenses, I spent more than I would have liked. Though, I did dabble in some freelance work which offsets at least some of all that. Actually, a goodly amount.

Japanese - Nothing. I've done nothing. And I am ashamed. How will I ask all the Japanese girls for their phone numbers? Oh, wait. That's the one thing I do know how to say. でんわばんごうですか?Honestly, though. I've been keeping tabs on my brother's advancement in his real college course and I've absorbed more than I'd thought. I just really need to bolster my vocabulary.