Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Accountability Report - Third Time's a Charm

I just entered the word "weekly" in the tags field for this post. Not only is this a lie, but it's also a farce. Granted, it could have been closer to truth if I had clicked the submit button on of the previous two times I sat down to pen this block of text. But, I don't like to dwell on the past. It's set in stone and cannot be changed. All I can do is look forward and make that as awesome as I can.

If somehow the only way you get your "me" information is via this blog, then you've missed out on the big announcement of my hiring at LinkedIn and upcoming move to Mountain View California. This puts my life in an odd state of flux right now as I prepare to move myself and my things seventeen hundred miles west. Needless to say, the items on my list are going to suffer.

Health - Not only have I had McDonald's once since the previous post, but Taco Bell twice. The first cannot be explained away, the second can. Cool Ranch Doritos tacos. Also, I've been trying to spend as much time with the folks around me as I can. Generally, going out to eat is a good way to do that. Of course, when my lunch hour is eaten up (pun intended) by eating out, my usual noon wanderings don't happen. Doesn't mean I can't do it later, I guess... But, I'm honestly not worrying about exercise right now as I'll be getting plenty of that biking to and from work in CA.

Finances - Ha! Yeah, nothing about moving to California is going to be cheap. Moving my shit is going to be $1000+, the apartment is going to be $2300/mo, and this doesn't take into account any ancillery costs that will come with. Luckily, LinkedIn will be paying to relocate me, but I will have to shoulder all of costs initially. To say I'm a bit nervous about whether I will be able to afford everything up front and continue to live between my last Griffin check and my first LI one is a bit of an understatement. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end, but that worry is there.

Japanese - Ha.... yeah...

I'll post some more about the whole LinkedIn thing at some point, but there may be a quiet spell until things get settled.