Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

And Now For Some Clarity

Pun totally intended :D

If you managed to stumble upon my previous blog post, you may be wondering how drunk I was exactly. Except you won't, because LASIK was one of the only words that managed to not be garbled in my blind fury.

Today, however, things are healing up nicely and my vision is beyond awesome. Like, as of less than twenty-four hours after operation I was seeing between 20/20 and 20/15 and it had yet to stop improving. Even with glasses I never had vision this sharp. Jeff and I went bowling last night and I was able to see every individual pin on nearly every lane in the alley (some 40 lanes); we went to Target and I could read all the aisle signs from the entrance. I'm still making small discoveries that just blow me away.

And it all began with a less than ten minute operation. Actually, it began with my boss mentioning and explaining it during one of our project meetings. I signed up for the free consult, made the arrangements, managed to get over my fear of having my eyes slit open, and here I am.

So, now I have super vision (which I will be paying for in monthly installments for the next several months), but totally worth it. I would do it all again in a heartbeat!

That aside, I shall be resuming the journal entries shortly. The last few weeks were made preparing to move apartments as my brother Jeff moved in, so we're recovering from that yet. Look forward to it!