Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore: Part 10 - Time Skip

After digging through some boxes, I have recovered my journal and with it my free source of blogging material. I shan't waste time here, so let's jump right into my stupidity and outlandish claims!

Tenth Entry - February 18, 2001

Hi! Now I have to catch up on the last 1/2 year of stuff. Maggie was born on october 2. Now she is almost five months old. This week she (and Joe and Steve) have been sick. And me... I'M IMMUNE. My programming has progressed a ways. I've mastered HTML and I'm going on VBScript. I have been looking at versions of VBasic on eBay. Most of VB6 go for $70 or higher. So I'm thinking of making my own computer from stuff on eBay. If you are wondering how I'm going to get the dough, aside from my B-Day money, I got a, get some iron straps and brace yourself, $10.60 from sales at Biblio. Also, grandma has hired me to mow her lawn this summer. But now I'm getting off the subject. I have learned some DirectX for VB. My webpage is pretty snazzy. I am now doing Algebra I for school. Two or three weeks ago I made a real bow. And it actually works. Well, that's all.

If I recall, this is the year that I managed to skip getting sick with the rest of the family (hence the "I'm immune" comment). Sickness in the Hackmann residence is, on the whole, a very clock-work process: twice a year, generally in early fall and late winter, the entire family gets the basic cold. Sore throat, achey body, and what I affectionately refer to as the "sickness delerium". I've skipped a sickness cycle this year as well, of which I'm mildly nervous about...

Moving on, the money of which I spoke was from taking some books into a local home school book consignment store (Biblio). That I would make any money off that at all blew my tiny, fragile little mind and I obviously extrapolated the potential to a ridiculous degree. Though, if my fourteen year old self were to know about the ~8 cheap, thrift store computers that are sitting in my closet, he'd probably shit a brick. I plan to do something grande with those computers one of these days, but today is not that day.

Nor is tomorrow...