Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Another reason to hate cats

Now it may be a fairly unkown fact about me, but I can't stand cats. Mainly, if for any reason, it is because at our old house there were cats that made a permanent residence there. And when the males went around marking their territory, it wasn't pretty.

But, anyways, I have another reason to hate cats: It seems I'm allergic to them. Yesterday I went to an allergist to see what the heck I'm allergic to because I have nasty allergies at certain times of the year (and I've got asthma so we were there for that too). Well, I went in and they poked my back with all sorts of pollens and stuff. It appears I'm not allergic to anything organic (as in trees and such), just cats and dust mites (apparently I got a huge welt from the dust mite test). They also put me through a treadmill test to test my lung function and I got another surprise there. I'm not asthmatic enough to even be labelled with having activity enduced asthma. So I'm testing that by laying off my inhaler whilst being active and seeing what gives. I made it through bowling last night without a problem. Tomorrow when I go to work I won't "deasthmaize" and see how I do there.

Speaking of tomorrow it's my first payday (yay!). It's driving me insane to see how much I've made in the last two weeks. I'll probably have a picture of me and my check stub up for you people :-)

In the land of NES development I've gotten two opcodes interpreted but now I'm stuck on something else: it seems I'm not interpreting the ROM data right. I've run my test ROM through a couple of disassemblers and they're reading the first four bytes in as something else (actually, the two disassemblers had different results. Go figure :-P). I'll have to do more research to figure this out. In the mean time you can read a blow-by-blow run-down of development here.