Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Xbox 360 is here...

Because I work at Wal-Mart now I get to witness all sorts of interesting things: people putting peanuts (yes, the food) on layaway, burly guys throwing canning jars all over the place, etc. etc. But yesterday was probably the most interesting, if not incredibly stupid, thing I've seen yet: people waiting hours and hours to get their hands on a freakin' game system. Not only that but they would pull pillows and blankets off the shelves to lay on... and then we gave them free soda and cookies! But anyways, I was also able to see the supply before just about anybody else in the store (working so near the security cage ihas it's nice points ;-)).

Ah, but anyways. I did get my paycheck on Thursday. Because it only counted towards a week and a half it was $190 as opposed to the post-$200 figures I was figuring. But now I'm going to be working close to 35-39 hours a week so that number should be close to doubling by next payday.

I also got my extra 10% Christmas discount with that paycheck. Stinky thing is it had to be used before December 4th. So I went ahead and stuffed my laptop on layaway. It has to be out by the 15th (though I may be able to get that changed) but I think that since I'm working the longer hours I will be able to pay the thing off and maybe even have a little extra left.

Well, I guess I should wrap this up. I hope everybody out there has a good Thanksgiving! :-D