Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Return of the mad eBayer!

Yes, it is I, insane Matt posting inane items on eBay! For those of you who don't know I am the creator of such infamous items as the "Common Cold" and the "Darth Vader Pancake". However, this eBay auction is a little more sane... just a little. At the very least I'm selling more or less a legitimate item... an e-mail address. That's right, (yes, I actually managed to snag that address). I'm hoping there are plenty of Zelda fans out there who'd like this address and after an Xbox 360 gmail addy went for $570 how can I lose. It'll only be a quarter if I do :-P. But, anyways...

Thursday is pay day again. I've made up a spreadsheet to keep track of my hours and take out all the proper taxes and according to that this paycheck will be about $316.60 (54 hours worked). I've also calculated my current schedule through to the 15th and I'll have just enough to pull out my laptop! YAY! :-D

Later :-)