Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Could the naming department please step forward?

All the major game dev pressers have come and gone leaving myself with with feelings of excitement and mild depression over failed predictions (more in a second). I'll go through my thoughts for each presser in the order they happened.


I honestly didn't pay too much attention to this conference as I knew it'd be mostly Gears 3 and Kinect stuff. However, I am excited for the Halo CE remake as I've lost the key for my PC copy and hadn't yet finished the campaign. My only hope is that Blood Gulch is one of the maps they bring over because most all of my fond memories of Halo are in that boxed canyon. Also, Halo 4 could be cool.


I'm an anti-Sony fanboy and yet I watched the whole damn presser. I had a hunch that they'd open with a canned apology and I was right on that. The only thing I really have to say is that I'm very, very surprised that the PS Vita is launching at the price point it is. I'd expected something in the $300-$400 range. Nintendo is really going to have to step it up with the DS if they want to maintain their market dominance.


The showing I was most eagerly awaiting and the only one I put any predictions on. I was right on the Skyward Sword and all the 3DS stuff (including the Smash Bros announce), but dead wrong on the thing I was most adamant about: that touch screen controller. I'll admit I'm not sold, but I wasn't sold on the dual screen of the DS either and that turned out awesome. I am ecstatic happy that the graphics have gotten the severe bump that they've been needing and that's all I honestly hoped for. In the 3DS realm, the Mario game may very well be a system seller for me, but we shall see.

I'm hesitant to place a "winner" label on anybody from an objective stand point. It's most definitely between Sony and Nintendo as Microsoft had yet another shitty showing (granted, no Skittles the tiger this year). Time will tell though.

P.S. Wii U? Seriously? You couldn't name it something like Ultra Nintendo Entertainment System or something?