Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Gaze Into My Crystal Ball

E3. For gamers, it's like a second Christmas. People are giddy with anticipation and large corporations are out to get your money. And the only gift we actually receive is information. It truly is a magical time of year.

It's getting a tad late for Sony and Microsoft (though I was pretty damn close with Gears 3 and Kinect shit, little else), but I wanted to toss my predictions for this year's Nintendo conference up to be mocked and ridiculed by the passage of time.

1. Zelda: Skyward Sword This is the easy one. We'll see more video, maybe get some more insight into the story and get a release date. There may be a surprise or two as to what console it comes out for, though. My guess is we'll have another Twilight Princess scenario (i.e. current and next console simul-release).

2. 3DS Of course, the newly released Nintendo 3DS will get a fair amount of time in the press release. We'll get some more info on the Kid Icarus game, the Mario game that's been teased, third party titles and and I'm guessing either a Zelda game (that's not OOT) or, going out on a limb, Smash Bros for 3DS.

3. The New Console Of course, this will be the show stealer. But, in Nintendo fashion, little will actually be said this time 'round (look for more info at TGS). Will it be faster and close to on par with the 360/PS3? Yeah, but they won't give us hard facts. Will there be a fancy, 6" touch screen controller? I'm calling bullshit on that one. Firstly, it directly competes with their existing handheld line. Secondly, the unit would become far too expensive (imagine buying four iPhones at full retail price). There will be a gimmick in there somewhere, but I can't see this one coming to fruition. We'll also be teased some visuals of games we'll never actually see, but I don't expect just a lot of details on Project Cafe.

Well, there's my predictions. Nothing earth shattering, sure, but there they are. What we find out about the new console may make or break my future in gaming. We'll see what happens tomorrow.