Sent from my iPad
I'd been wanting one since the first one came out, but today I finally bought a stupid iPad. The ordeal went down like this:
walks over to iPad table in Apple store like a boss
Apple dude: Hi! Can I help you?
Me: 16GB wifi iPads. Have any?
Apple chick: I have one. Black.
Me: It's mine!
And that's verbatim how it went down.
I am enjoying this thing, as I thought I would. My eyes particularly enjoy the very large screen. Been checking out the apps available and sighing over the apps I have that aren't iPad formatted (lookin' at you, Skype).
Also, I've been looking for options for iOS development on Windows and have a few things I'm going to try. Whilst I may have caved to Apple once again for mobile computing, I refuse to use OS X in areas where I can avoid it.
And just as soon as somebody hacks Windows 8 for this thing, iOS is gone....
(no more blog posts typed on this thing...)