Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

dxprog the wage slave

Well, I made it past my interview (I'd like to say with flying colors). I may as well say I've got a job (I have no doubt in my mind that I'll pass the drug/alcohol test). In fact, before taking the test today (yuck) I overheard the people in the back talking about how I was "the only one today" and that Wal-mart hasn't been "getting any applications". They're deperate. They need me.

No updates on Ramboella as I can't find my darn Office CD key back (had it just last week :-P). I may mooch off my parents copy of 2K3 Pro (it is nicer) but I'm going to have to do something and soon if I'm going to be on the job 5+ hours a day.