Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Update from progland

Ah, well it seems I have stuff to talk about again. First of all I've got an idea for a simple short film which I will probably be filming as soon as I finish the script. But until I can get a trailer up, you'll have to live with this poster: I should be able to finish the script this week and start shooting next week. So keep coming back for updates.

Also, and this is the big news, but it looks like I may have a job pretty soon (as in an actual job). Last night I applied at Wal-Mart and I'm already setup for an interview tomorrow. Now for the moment I may just have a temp job for the holidays (in the lawaway dept. of course :-P), but if I do my job well enough and with enough SpongeBob-like enthusiasm I probably have a chance of becoming a normal employee. We'll see, though. The good thing is is that I'll be making my own money pretty soon (can you spell laptop? :-D).

Well, it was nice to have something to post for a change (and good news at that). Just remember to keep your RSS reader up-to-date or check back for more information on... Ramboella!