Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

I isn't dead!

And I isn't ejucaded either :-P. Not much new going on over here. I'm still doing the Clear Creek site (sparked an idea for an ASP.NET wiki :-D). Also, did a bunch of work for the Schindler's again. Made a profitable $50 off of it which I've promptly used to buy myself a 120GB hard drive. Oh, and I got a free $20 gift certificate for taking a []GameTap[/link] survey. I'll probably buy Episode III with that (totally free :-D).

Jeff bought Jedi Academy last week. Awesome, awesome game that one is. Never thought I could get into an FPS, but I did. It's $10 software so if you see it I recommend picking it up.

That seems to be all. I know, short entry for such a long reprieve. Until next time :-P