Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Getting Fit to Look Less Nerdy to Look More Nerdy at a Nerd Convention

Ha! Now there's a title!

This year my bros and I will be attending Tokyo in Tulsa - a local anime convention - much as we did last year. However, this year not only will we be splurging on all three days, but we'll be shedding all our inhibitions and cosplaying. Well, at the very least I will. This is my fourth con, after all.

In addition to the costume getup itself, I am using this as an excuse to get my sorry ass into better shape. Since I've started my new job, I've been spending most of my lunch breaks climbing the stairs to the top of the building, about seventeen floors. In addition, lately I have also been walking around the small park adjacent to the building after said stair climbing (about a third of a mile or so).

Now, however, I will be stepping it up even more. My apartment has a pretty decent exercise facility and I plan to take advantage of it. So, tonight when everybody else has gone to sleep, I and my iPhone will make a trip across to the office and I will hit the treadmills.

My goal is that in the month and a half until the con, I can lose some of the fat roll and maybe even bring myself under 200 again. Honestly, that last part wouldn't be too much of a stretch - couple pounds a week, really.

So shall it be written, so shall it be done!