Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Balding Truth

So, I was watching a video today and the pre-roll ad was for some hair restoration product/service (don't recall which). At some point, one of the testimonials was all about how much more confidence this guy had now that he wasn't balding. And I'm all like... you really rely on your hair to instill confidence? Perhaps it's just me, but I've never understood what was so terrible about balding.

Actually, I've always relished the thought of a receding hairline (sadly, the general consensus is that those genes passed me over). Sure, I've always hated my hair and the fuss that must be made over it so it doesn't look stupid, but I've always thought of bald as being both bad ass and/or dignified.

Don't share that mindset? Let's look at some examples:

This guy has made his career out of being bald...

...and Mr. Willis here has proven that you can still be bad ass without hair (even if you make a shitty movie based upon a complete lack of knowledge of computers).

My only guess as to the negative imagery would probably be people who went bald, tried to correct it and failed:

My answer: just shave your head and stop worrying about it. Certainly don't go basing all your confidence on its existence.

Now, that beer belly is something different...