Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

I Guess I'll Write About Anime?

I dunno. Running out of ideas to write about that aren't heavy, heavy topics. So, instead I'll write little blips about the anime shows I've sampled this season.

WWW.Working!! - Sidequel to one of my favorite shows, Working!! Same universe, same restaurant chain, different actual restaurant and, thus, different cast of characters. Each one has their own particular tick, and each week we're given a glimpse into their interactions with each other. I haven't warmed up to these new characters yet, but I'll give it time.

Flip Flappers - Just watched this last night, but don't recall much. Some space girl finds some other girl and then are teleported by a pet robot into some "Illusion Zone" or whatever. Hijinks ensue, turns out everybody is a magical girl, there's some yuri undertones, and the credits roll. It was bright and shiny and had some fluid animation. Reminded me of a studio Trigger knock off.

Girlish Number - Looks like my favorite characters from "Gekkan Shouko Nozaki-kun" and "Humanity Has Declined" have been rolled into one up-and-coming voice actor. Sweet on the outside, utterly cynical on the inside, you have that ol' fashioned Japan cute factor mixed with sassy inner monologue and it's quite lovely. I think I shall continue to watch this show.

Kiss Him, Not Me - Here's a fun one to explain. Nerdy, pervy (creepy pervy), overweight girl is so destroyed by the death of a character in one of her shows, that she locks herself in her room for a week and, when she exits, is suddenly thin and gorgeous. Naturally, she gathers a harem of love-struck boys at school. I've never watched a reverse harem before, but after seeing this, all the flaws in the harem shows I've sometimes enjoyed are completely exposed. Naked before my mind to comprehend... I might watch a couple more episodes.

My Wife is the Student Council President - I'm convinced the animators of this show are just trying to find the line with the censors. There's really nothing more that can be said. It's a terrible piece of garbage and I am watching it...

Yuri on Ice - It's the ice skating equivalent to "Free". Kid did a bunch of figure skating in high school, flopped at some big competition, got fat for a while, but suddenly his Russian rival (and man crush) swoops in to train the poor boy. There's lots of pretty boys and abs and cleverly placed branches. The story itself is compelling enough that I may continue to watch, but I do not believe I'm the target audience...

So, that's what I've seen. Oddly busy season for me.