Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Round 2

Want to polish up my LED grid a bit before writing more on that, so I'm going to do that "stream of consciousness" thing again. Giving myself four minutes out of the gate, this time. And... WE'RE OFF!

The easiest thing to start this off on is my day. Or my weekend? We'll stick with day, it's a lot shorter and I only have so much time.

Attempted to move the voltage converter circuit off the breadboard and onto a circuit board. Got everything designed up in Eagle, fidgeted with the printer for a bit because printers suck, and then attempted to iron it onto a copper board. Well.... that didn't go so great, so maybe I'll just solder everything up on a perfboard. Still, I want to get this etching shit figured out.

Other things I did today was gorge on 'Nilla Wafers. There are a lot of things I would say are "krytonite-esque" for me, but 'Nilla Wafers are the real deal. I fucking love these things and always have. They're cookies, clearly, but there's something special in their simplicity. The way the crumble under the pressure of your tongue as the spit in your mouth begins to slowly dissolve the cookie. The rush of flavor that dances across your taste buds as those little crumbles brush past. Oh, what's this? Looks like somebody has decided to douse the whole scene in some lovely, lovely milk. The flavors are mingling together, creating an experience that is greater than the sum of its parts. You savor the -


Guess I had a bit of a Remy from Ratatouille moment, there. Play with matches only if you're going to do something cool... like set things on fire!