Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

I Has a Shiny New Toy

As it turns out, FedEx delivers Tuesday through Saturday, so my lost weekend is less so.

I've been wanting a decent camera for some time as the point and shoots do not deliver the kind of quality I would prefer (and tend to fall apart rather quickly). I was actually planning on picking up a dSLR last year before the anime convention, but, I couldn't find one for a decent enough price that also did video. The answer to that problem, apparently, is to simply wait a year.

Fast forward to now - still wanting a good camera for the con - and the camera I've purchased, a Canon Rebel T3i retails for $750, well under the lower end numbers from last year. Toss in some clever shopping about and selling off of soon-to-be deprecated hardware (my old camcorder), and that $750 is brought down to a much more tolerable $350.

Even at $750, it would have been worth every goddamn penny. The picture above was taken with the flash off in my poorly lit bathroom. AND IT STILL LOOKS AMAZING (my troll face notwithstanding)!

I've not yet played around with the video option much, but expect some new movies this month now with fancy, movie style rack focus!