Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Stories from the Crypt

That thing that was supposed to come through today didn't which means I am left to my own devices all weekend. So, tonight I'll just repost this comment I left on reddit some days ago (because that's what we do):

My moronic roommate had invited some person from his class to stay at our place. I already hated my roommate, but I was in my last few months of college and it meant paying less, so I agreed to it. Few days later, he's helping move the new guy's stuff in when he waddles into my room (overweight) all red in the face and out of breath. He asked if I would help get a couch up the stairs (we were on the second floor of the apartment complex). I reluctantly agreed and went out to help.

Before we get to that, though, I must explain how the stairs were laid out in the complex. There were two sets of stairs up: one with a bend half way up and one that went straight up. Here's a handy diagram:

Gradients are stairs, red arrows how one gets up them.

So I walk out and see that they're trying to take the couch up the set of stairs with the bend and they were stuck getting it around the last corner. This is idiotic in and of itself as they could've taken the straight stairs up and encountered no issues. It was the system of ropes and winches that literally caused my jaw to drop as I stared in disbelief for nearly a minute. The couch was actually dangling above the ground, anchored from the stairs going to the third floor.

I did wind up helping them get around the corner and immediately retreated to my room still in disbelief.