Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Incriminating Evidence

I do not have a strong love for my home city of Bartlesville. The citizens are a near fifty/fifty split of rich assholes and white trash (at least, that's what it seems), there are no decent places to shop and there are no good hang out spots. However, we are home to one thing of true magnificence: the AT&SF No. 940.

I've thought that this train was the coolest thing in Bartlesville since the days I was first watching Thomas the Tank Egnine, back when it was rusting outside of a local park. A few years ago, while I was in Florida (dammit), the city moved the train to the old train station and it is now open for the public to go inside and climb all over. Truly a fantastic thing. However, it is also sad. This glorious machine, once a productive piece of history, has now been relegated to nothing more than a set piece for the town. And while this is better than rusting in a park, it's not all it could be. I have a solution for this.

I am going to restore and steal this train.

That's right. Should I ever come into a lot of money (by which I mean millions), I will fix this train up in the dead of night, move it onto the real train tracks that run adjacent and ride off into the sunset. It will be the most glorious thing of all time. A true romantic heist that you only see in the movies. Of course, it will lead to my arrest, but I can't help but think: what would the reaction be when I'm charged with grand theft locomotive? What will they do with this now fully operational vehicle?

Of course, this is all a fantasy, but one I like to entertain often. Perhaps someday enough money will be raised to make it operational again and they can offer train rides to the tune of $10 per, but I feel that my grande heist will probably happen sooner.

Sleep well, sweet prince of the rails.