Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Office Doodles

I have managed to deprive people of my VisualBasic code for two weeks now and it looks like I'm not reversing that trend any time soon. Instead, today I'm going to present to you some things I've doodled at various points while at work. Sadly, some of my more epic doodles are in a different notepad and will not be presented here today, and seeing as I'm on vacation for the next week I can't just wait until Monday to write this. But, enough said. The artwork is after the break.

I used to draw a lot of these little visual puns while in college. Had to keep the tradition alive.

Sketched while I was waiting for my computer to boot. I was in the middle of completing all the Ace Attorney games back to back to back which was probably why it was on the brain that day.

I honestly don't even remember drawing this, but there it is. Not terrible, to be sure. Kind of looks like Maya from Ace Attorney, I guess.

This was the doodle that directly inspired this picture. I'm torn on which one is better.

Just randomness. In case you're wondering, the text says "Snow-me-ha-me-ha!", a less than subtle nod to Dragon Ball Z