Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Konata Izumi

I got pissed off the other day and decided that I was no longer going to be a mediocre artist. That in mind, I decided that I'd do an hour or so of drawing a day, attempting to copy pictures that I thought were good. The idea is that when I get good enough at that, I'll branch off and begin making my own characters, poses, etc.

The first subject to be brutalized by my attempts at improving my drawing is Konata Izumi from Lucky Star. I can point out a dozen or so things wrong with this, but I suppose it's not bad for my first attempt. Maybe by year's end I'll be much better at this stuff.

Tools used: Pencil and paper Illustrator CS4 (for inking) Photoshop CS4 (colors)