Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Welcome to Esoteria

I find myself at the end of my college life, living back in good ol' Oklahoma and completely bored out of my skull. Of course, there is on the near horizon the promise of employment, which should take up the next forty years of my natural life. I should relish these moments as I will not have a moment like this in some time... especially if a wife and kids are part of my ultimate master plan. But, I suppose itemization is in order.

Nearly a month ago, I completed my college education and graduated from Full Sail University with a bachelor of science in Digital Arts and Design. The ceremony was all very pomp with much circumstance. During my particular ceremony, there were some two hundred people graduating (all of the bachelor kids, not just my class). I marched along the line of my old instructors shaking their hands (and getting hugs from one). It felt kind of ethereal and even now I'll stop suddenly and realize... it's over. Everything that had sucked up my very being for the last twenty-one months is finished.

So, that's all done and now I'm back home with my family. Not a bad place to be, I suppose. The plan was to take a hiatus after the near non-stop barrage of school. It's been nice, no doubt about that, but now I feel restless. I want to do something and I don't have anything that needs to be done. So, that would suggest to me that it's time to return to the working forces, a new and more educated man.

Actually, a couple weeks back I applied at ConocoPhillips (the family workplace) for an opening they had for an ASP.NET developer. I've yet to hear anything, but my application is supposedly under "secondary review" same as it has been since the offer closed on the seventeenth. The waiting is killing me and never have I been so eager to receive a phone call. I suppose if this falls through (as it's kind of looking like, but I'll give it a bit more time) there's another place in town that I'm going to apply at. It's a design group that I more than qualify for (HTML/PHP type stuffs), so maybe I'll have some more luck there.

Hopefully, I'll be able to find a job soon. I suppose if I don't, I'll have more time to update this blog. Hooray for you.