Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

My Desk - An in Depth Analysis

Today I plan on cleaning the nuclear waste site that is my desk. But before I do that I figured I'd post a "before" picture along with an in-depth analysis of what's on/around it. So, here we go:

  1. My laptop (under a couple of spindles of CDs, goodness knows what's on them)
  2. My DS (under a rejection letter from Capital One :-P)
  3. Camcorder
  4. An empty cup. Probably had ice water in it at one time.
  5. A pile of clean jeans under which is a box I still haven't unpacked from the move.
  6. Library books (Dave Barry's Money $ecrets and Heir to the Empire to be exact)
  7. Trash can (notice how it's empty?)
  8. My financial crab
  9. My bed
  10. My headset (dutifully bringing you l33ts every week)
  11. Some cables, a GBASP headset and various other junk
  12. Easter candy, a pile of blank DVD-Rs, my CD case (mainly emtpy), a change sorter, my cell phone, both pairs of glasses deep breath, a socket set, a phone book, my GameCube memory card, and a lightbulb.
  13. This is where my GBA and DS stuff is supposed to go. Mainly it's games and trash now
  14. My Mario picture (lovingly hand stitched by grandma) Pretty sad, eh? Well, this is my pet project for the remainder of the day (which means no work on YAVP for now), however, I will not let that get in the way of dutifully bringing you the next episode of t3h l33ts. Assuming I can get this whole thing clean I'll post the "after" picture tomorrow. Until then....