Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

My Life

It's been a while since I've last blogged mainly because a) I forgot and b) I was in a deep blue funk. But now I'm feeling quite chipper for two reasons: a) I'm going back to cashiering again in May, b) I've been selected to join the ACC Site Improvement Committee. For anybody who's paid attention, ACPD has been one of my major ongoing projects for the last two years. Now that I am officially connected to the site I'll be able to push it more and perhaps replace their existing flash editor with ACPD Online.

I have yet to call the DMV, however I have been driving again lately and I'm not as rusty as I thought. I WILL CALL TOMORROW!!! Okay, that's out.

Also, I have YAVP (yet another video project) of which should actually be seeing the light of day. However, I cannot at this time divulge any information aside from that it's the most expensive project to date. I have spent eighty whole cents on props (my gosh!). I may put the trailer up here soon, but I want to try to get the entire project finished. Also, I've been thinking of rewriting Ramboella and filming that now that I'm more buff than I was six months ago. More later...

Finally, before I go, I need to hand out gold stars. One to devusb for properly naming the "Vista blows", a play off of some lyrics in the Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie song "Every OS Sucks", and one to linkman2004 for getting the "winds of change quote" of which was uttered by Randall in Monster's Inc. (and again sarcasticly by Mike). Congratulations and keep your eyes peeled (hint: there's one in this post). Happy hunting, and happy belated Easter :-).