Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Sketches, oh joy

No laptop and as such I am forced to put up more random selections of my artwork.

This is actually some concept art for an upcoming comic. I'm trying to work more emotion into the characters' body language.

Originally started out as just some kid, but give him the right hair and you have First-grader Gabe!

A bust of Captain Haddock from the Adventures of Tintin comics.

Captain Jack is back!

A quick sketch of my hand. An exercise prescribed by JKR.

Well, there you are. One semi-interesting thing to note is that Captain Haddock is the only drawing here done with a no. 2 pencil. Everything else was done using my wonderful 0.7 Pentel mechanical pencil. Oh, it is a thing of beauty :-)