Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Tryin' to survive

No laptop yet. I'd check to see how things were coming on Toshiba's website, but I don't have my service order number or anything (left it at the UPS store :-P) so I'll just have to be pleasently surprised when it gets here. Driving me nuts, though, because my bros' computer is fritzin' out so I'm having to resort to other "activities" to keep me entertained. Mainly drawing. Actually, I'd like to think that my artwork has evolved quite a bit since even the last comic I made (before the Paint Chronicles, that is).

Speaking of the comic, I've got a bunch of ideas lined up and ready to go. I've got the last part to the DB of Life about half colored, another one scanned and a couple others I've drawn over the last few days. Another thing I'm going to do when my laptop gets back is redesign the F5 part of the website. It's kind of bland looking now, and apparently script isn't working (that's supposed to take you to the Paint Chronicles).

I'm planning on going to see Pirates 2 in a couple weeks. Tried to watch the first one the other night, but our DVD is scratched or something so we only got about half way through. While I'm on the subject of motion picture entertainment, I've started watching Lost. Not too bad of a show, really. A little gorey, but intruiging. And finally, they released the teaser for the new Spider-man... I am not amused. Three (at least) bad guys, Harry included which burns me to no end, and it looks like they're going to toss MJ aside like a bag of moldy tangerines. Sam Raimi, ya screwed up!

Work's not going too bad. I got a raise a couple weeks ago, so I'm netting a nice sum of money every other week. I'm scheduled to push carts all next week, which I'm thankful for as I'll miss the pre-4th of July rush. I've also got three day weekends coming the next two weeks so life is good. Gives me plenty of time to do all I've talked about above ;-).

Speaking of money, next week on one of my days off, I think I'm going to trot down to the bank and see about getting a loan so I can get my car. I can't even get a stupid credit card because I have no credit score, so we'll see how that goes.

Well, that should catch everything up for a while (it's been forever since I last blogged like that :-P). I may try to import all my old blog posts to WordPress when my laptop gets back, as well. It would seem fitting as I've now been filling you all in on the useless details of my life for over a year now. It's been one crazy, crazy year, too. House renovation, moving, job, and all of it forever immortalized on the Internet. Cheers!